Summerhockey Liege extends over 13 weeks and has 1 trainingsession per week. The trainingsessions are held on two days: Tuesdaynight and saturdaymorning. In months june, july, august.
Start: 3-6-2014
Tuesday: 18.45-20.15 hrs: U18/U23 20.30-22.00 hrs: Women/recreational
Saturday: 9.00-10:30 hrs: U6/U8/U10 10.45-12:15 hrs: U12/U14
Participation in Summerhockey Liege is priced at: 275 Euro. Extras: A hockeytrainingshirt and a waterbottle. Goalies: Half price!
A qualified group of (pro)-instructors (also for goalies) are available to learn you skating techniques, stickhandling, power skating and tactics training in small stations. Each practice is 1,5 hours training on ice. VIP Mysterie-guests will appear. Supervisor: Danny Peters (headcoach Bulldogs Liège).
To guarantee high-quality training, we have chosen to a limit of 30 participants per group, class. We want you to level-up.
The following categories may subscribe:
Women, U8, U10, U12, U18, U23, Leisure-recreation all ages.
Icerink Médiacité in Liège Boulevard Raymond Poincaré 7 4020 Liège.